Baltimore & Ellicott City

I stopped by the house where we lived in when I was in elementary school. I found it strange that the neighborhood was mostly unchanged, despite the passage of nearly fifty years since the last time I was there. I also passed through Ellicott City. The land there has been developed, but the ruins of […]

The Carolinas 2018

I went through a lot of beautiful territory between Atlanta and Asheville. First photo is South Carolina, then Bridal Veil Falls in North Carolina, the Cullasaja River, and Curtis Creek.

Gypsy Wedding, TMR 2017

After various adventures, in October I landed in the middle of a Gypsy Wedding at the Texas Music Ranch. It was great to see my friend Oliver Rajamani again and to meet Zhenya Rock. A lot of sitting around campfires, drinking vodka, and singing in Russian was required. Maybe that was why most of the […]

Taos 2016

In May, I headed back to Taos for the Rising Appalachia show. I only took a few pictures and most of them were terrible. Included here are the few that made the cut. I stayed at the Ashram doing seva through mid-July.

Big Island Spring 2016

I spent mid-January to mid-April in retreat at a private location in Puna. After finishing the retreat, I had about a month to enjoy myself. Basically, it was all Kehena Beach and Seaview rainbows. Here is what most likely constitutes too many pictures of rainbows.

Twilight twines Twilight

In the crepuscular hour, twilight twines twilight rainbow body delights. Dance Newly Ascending meets and remeets, again weaving molecular shadows. White, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green; these are the colors which I have seen. In visionary appearance, the never-ending visions never come to an end… or do they? The rainbow bridge is everywhere and no… […]