
The moment one crosses a peculiar threshold in infinity, either deliberately or unwittingly, everything that happens to one from then on is no longer exclusively in one’s own domain, but enters into the realm of infinity. Infinity is everything that surrounds us: the spirit, the dark sea of awareness. It is something that exists out there and rules our lives. […]


Hitting the Essence in Three Words “The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King” The Root Text Herein is contained The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King, together with its commentary. Homage to the master! The view is Longchen Rabjam: infinite, vast expanse. Meditation is Khyentse Özer: rays of wisdom and love. Action […]

Thunder: Perfect Mind

During the 1984-85 school year, I had the opportunity to study the Coptic language and to read some of the Nag Hammadi texts. I first translated Thunder: Perfect Mind in 1985. It sat unpublished in my notebooks until I finally typed it up in 2003, making minor revisions as I entered it. I made a few more […]

The Lady who Ascends into the Heavens

My Lady, the Amazement of the Land, the Lone Star, The Brave One who appears first in the heavens– All the lands fear her. In the pure places of the steppe, On the high roofs of the dwellings, On the platforms of the city, They make offerings to her: Piles of incense like sweet-smelling cedar, […]

The Eagle’s Gift

The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle, not because it is an eagle or has anything to do with an eagle, but because it appears to the eye of the seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle, standing erect as an eagle stands, its height reaching to infinity. The […]

Playing with Blocks

There are few subjects that are more misunderstood in the Western Ceremonial systems of magick than that of the vibratory formula. What is this Vibratory Formula, and how does it work? When do you use this formula in ritual work? How do you know if you are doing it correctly? What is this thing called the […]

Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer

In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true is true or becomes true, within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the mind, there are no limits. John C. Lilly, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, The Julian Press, Inc., […]

The Laws of Form

The theme of this book is that a universe comes into being when a space is severed or taken apart. The skin of a living organism cuts off an outside from an inside. So does the circumference of a circle in a plane. By tracing the way we represent such a severance, we can begin […]