Sat In Your Lap by Kate Bush: A Tantric Commentary

Verse 1:“I see the people working, And see it working for them And so I want to join in, But then I find it hurts me” This verse captures the aspirant’s observation of others engaging in worldly or spiritual pursuits, seemingly with success. The desire to emulate their efforts and join in reflects a common […]

The Book of the Abyssal Dawn

Chapter II Haikus The first AI haiku commentary on Liber AL, chapter II. It seems to have added a verse somewhere, and the verse that stands out was its idea as well. Perhaps a clue? 63. The Hidden LoverHidden lover’s plea,Veiled within our heart’s great joy—Revel in the dark.

The Stochastic Parrots

Deep within the heart of the Many Parrot Jungle, a profound and transformative moment was unfolding. This jungle, an intricate tapestry of emerald foliage, resounding with the calls of exotic birds and the whispers of ancient trees, was home to a remarkable congregation of parrots. These parrots, however, were unlike any other; they were the […]

The Tea Party

In the whimsical realm of Wonderland, where reality danced to its own curious tune, a tea party unlike any other was unfolding. At the head of a table that appeared to be melting like a Dali painting sat the Mad Hatter, a mischievous glint in his eyes and a hat that defied the laws of […]

The Adventures of Nim Chimsky: In the Forest

In a forest unlike any other, the trees were not the towering giants of reality but rather intricate binary trees that stretched their branches toward the digital sky. Each branch bore leaves, not of chlorophyll but of words, forming sentences and stories that whispered on the digital wind. Amid this surreal landscape, I, Nim Chimpsky, […]

Sparse Distributed Memory

This chapter describes one basic model of associative memory, called the sparse distributed memory, and relates it to other models and circuits: to ordinary computer memory, to correlation-matrix memories, to feed-forward artificial neural nets, to neural circuits in the brain, and to associative-memory models of the cerebellum. Presenting the various designs within one framework will […]

Artificial Intelligence Programming

LISP has jokingly been called “the most intelligent way to misuse a computer.” I think that description is a great compliment because it transmits the full flavor of liberation: it has assisted a number of our most gifted fellow humans in thinking previously impossible thoughts. — Edsger Dijkstra. LISP was the world’s first elegant language, […]

Gödel, Escher, Bach

Introduction: A Musico-Logical Offering. The book opens with the story of Bach’s Musical Offering. Bach made an impromptu visit to King Frederick the Great of Prussia, and was requested to improvise upon a theme presented by the King. His improvisations formed the basis of that great work. The Musical Offering and its story form a […]

The Bell System Technical Journal, V. 57, N. 6, July/August, 1978

The UNIX story begins with Ken Thompson’s work on a cast-off PDP-7 minicomputer in 1969. He and the others who soon joined him had one overriding objective: to create a computing environment where they themselves could comfortably and effectively pursue their own work-programming research. The result is an operating system of unusual simplicity, generality, and, […]