December 10, 2013 Astrobriefing

Well, I’ve been slightly neglectful at keeping you updated, but frankly we’ve just been through a boring period with few interesting aspects. However, this fine Tuesday morning Mercury formed a trine with Uranus at 9:05am PST. Some of us may have received some accurate but somewhat surprising information. Our thinking may be clearer than usual, […]

December 2, 2013 Astrobriefing

I think I’d better say something about the New Moon this month (Dec 2 @ 4:22pm PST) . It looks like some of you may be making major or minor life decisions, and the New Moon in Sagittarius is a mostly smooth time for new beginnings. First, what will work: both our feelings and our […]

November 25, 2013 Astrobriefing

Today at 5:55pm, Mercury conjuncts Saturn. This aspect is good for having serious conversations which require careful listening. The mind is slow but deep. Feelings may be a bit inhibited, but it’s a good time to methodically plan, solve problems logically, and do this without much help or input from others. It becomes easy to […]

November 21, 2013 Astrobriefing

As the Sun goes into Sagittarius at 7:48pm PST, it is time to play it cool. Yesterday’s issues no longer exist. Go with the flow. Positive aspects lunar aspects with Jupiter and Mars can keep tempers at bay. But be careful after 11, best just to go to sleep as early as possible. When you […]

November 18, 2013 Astrobriefing

Tuesday morning at 6:49am PST, Mars in Virgo sextiles retrograde Jupiter in Cancer. This should be a good aspect for actions related to business or income. Or you might find it a good day to fix things around the house. There can also be a desire for adventure, but the Moon goes void of course […]

November 12, 2013 Astrobriefing

This morning retrograde Jupiter trines the Sun. A cautious optimism is in order. Tomorrow morning, Neptune goes direct. That’s the bigger deal. Neptune has been retrograde since June 7. There may be some bigger issues we’ve been unable to make headway on. It’s hard to fulfill dreams when Neptune is retrograde. But right now we […]

November 10, 2013 Astrobriefing

So, Mercury went direct at 1:12pm PST. But it’s deeper than that. Because Mercury is essentially stationary, it’s also in a 3+ day trine with Neptune. Our minds have gotten in touch with our spiritual depths. We now know what we should have done back at the beginning of October. If we’re honest, we have […]

November 4, 2013 Astrobriefing

“Because you have been down there Neo, you know that road, you know exactly where it ends. And I know that’s not where you want to be.” Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity in The Matrix. Venus enters Capricorn 43 after midnight (Pacific time). The party that was Venus in Sagittarius is over. Reality sets in. Are […]