March 6, 2019 Astrobriefing

Welcome to the last lunation of this solar cycle. Today the New Moon occurred conjunct Neptune in its own sign of Pisces. As icing on the cake, Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces before the discovery of Neptune, is in Sagittarius, its own sign.This blesses this lunar cycle with both wisdom and fortune. This is […]

November 4, 2018 Astrobriefing

Mercury and Venus are weaving a strange and unusual pattern, their movements unusually synchronized.Venus stationed retrograde in Scorpio on October 5th. Mercury transited into Scorpio 4 days later on October 9th. Six day later, they met in conjunction at 8 and 3/4 degrees of Scorpio on October 15th. The Sabian symbol for this degree is […]

October 29, 2018 Astrobriefing

We have entered the 3 days of the “meat hook” of Sumerian religion, following Inanna’s descent into the Underworld. Venus last set in the evening sky on October 22, marking Inanna’s passage through the First Gate of seven into the Underworld. Last night she removed her last adornment and passed naked through the Seventh Gate. […]

April 28, 2018 Astrobriefing

The Full Moon and the following 9 days are under the influence of Sun opposite Jupiter, which occurs on May 8, due to the Moon being conjunct Jupiter at the Full Moon. This can mark the beginnings of journeys, both physical and metaphysical. Optimism is high and intentions are good. Luck is with us and […]

April 21, 2018 Astrobriefing

Heading into the Full Moon, Pluto goes retrograde on Sunday, April 22 at 21 Capricorn, and remains retrograde through September 30. During this retrograde, we can expect unconscious power struggles to come to light. In some situations, you may discover that you’ve been being subtly controlled and manipulated. In other situations, you may discover that […]

March 31, 2018 Astrobriefing

Moving into the waning moon, things get a little busier. Venus has moved into Taurus, and we’re operating this week under a Venus trine Saturn aspect on Saturday morning (4/7). Love matters get serious. It’s a good time to make commitments. New love interests met this week may end up being long-term partners. And don’t […]

March 26, 2018 Astrobriefing

As we move into the Full Moon around dawn on Saturday, we have three influences shaping our experience. The first is furthest out on Sunday (4/1), the other side of the Full Moon. However, that aspect, Sun conjunct Mercury will be opposite the Full Moon when it occurs which supercharges it! That means that this […]

March 18, 2018 Astrobriefing

As we move into the Spring Equinox, Mars is beginning its transit of Capricorn, which will last until mid-May. Initially this may be somewhat challenging due to the Sun moving into a square with Mars around noon on Saturday (3/24). Ego conflicts are likely, especially with men. Your competitors, enemies, and even your boss may […]

March 12, 2018 Astrobriefing

As we move into the New Moon, things are slowing down. There are really only four significant astrological events this week, and that includes the New Moon! On Tuesday, Venus squares Saturn in the morning, and the Sun trines Jupiter in the afternoon. Both these aspects will already be affecting us on Monday! On Saturday, […]

March 5, 2018 Astrobriefing

As we move into the Spring Equinox, both Mercury and Venus are ahead of the sun, so they precede the Sun into Aries this week. It’s a busy week. Besides Mercury and Venus moving into Aries on Tuesday (3/6), on Thursday (3/8) Jupiter starts its retrograde period and Mercury simultaneously moves into its pre-retrograde shadow […]