Big Island 2015

After the retreat and various adventures on the West Coast, I sold the Airstream Argosy and flew to the Big Island with Kunzang Llamo. These photos start with Hilo and end with Christmas Day at Punulu’u in Ka’u. I have a lot of stories about Punulu’u. Ask me sometime.

Argosy to California

After Bhandara, my friend returned to Montreal and I found myself at loose ends. A plan was conceived to take a road trip in my 1976 Airstream Argosy 28 to California. But our first stop was the Tribal Vision festival, where we met Avocado. Our departure photo shows Avocado, myself, Tasha, Kunzang, and Roya ready […]

Return to Taos 2015

Circumstances arose which required me to get to Colorado Springs pronto, to pick up a friend who’d decided to visit from Montreal. Once I’d picked her up we headed back to Taos for Maharaj-ji’s Mahasamadhi Bhandara. The last photo is of me with friends Kunzang Llamo and Hanuman Das at Bhandara.

First visit to Rigdzin Ling

I’m a Tibetan Buddhist and my root guru is Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, who I met in the ’90s. Twice he invited me to come live at his retreat center in California. Instead I moved to Austin, got married, and raised a daughter. While at Mount Shasta I suddenly got the urge to finally go visit […]

2015 Trip to Shasta

In mid-August I left Taos on a long loop, stopping in Crestone, Twin Falls, Yakima, Seattle, and Portland before arriving at Mount Shasta. Here are a (very) few photos from that trip.

Taos 2015

I spent the summer of 2015 in Taos, doing seva at the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram. Here are a few photos I took during this period.

Just a Ramble

I’ve come not to take but to be taken, spirit shaken, dragged along, stolen away, heart and soul. Movement is a spring of happiness; How the world blossoms around you but the petals spiral in the wind of your waken. Disappear quickly and show yourself slowly; Love prays in the heavens, the monkey dances. I’m […]

December 10, 2013 Astrobriefing

Well, I’ve been slightly neglectful at keeping you updated, but frankly we’ve just been through a boring period with few interesting aspects. However, this fine Tuesday morning Mercury formed a trine with Uranus at 9:05am PST. Some of us may have received some accurate but somewhat surprising information. Our thinking may be clearer than usual, […]

December 2, 2013 Astrobriefing

I think I’d better say something about the New Moon this month (Dec 2 @ 4:22pm PST) . It looks like some of you may be making major or minor life decisions, and the New Moon in Sagittarius is a mostly smooth time for new beginnings. First, what will work: both our feelings and our […]

November 25, 2013 Astrobriefing

Today at 5:55pm, Mercury conjuncts Saturn. This aspect is good for having serious conversations which require careful listening. The mind is slow but deep. Feelings may be a bit inhibited, but it’s a good time to methodically plan, solve problems logically, and do this without much help or input from others. It becomes easy to […]