Akkadian cylinder seal dating to c. 2300 BC depicting the deities Inanna, Utu, and Enki, three members of the Anunnaki. Public doman photo.

This is the fourth article in the series, Quivering Qabalah.

Next we come to the number THREE, which sums to 90. In order to understand Three more thoroughly, I will first introduce a new method of analysis. Because 90 ends in 0, we can divide by 10 and look at the number 9, which is THREE SQUARED = 175 = the UNSUNG SPHERE. Because it is THREESQUARE our image is of ALL THE PEOPLE in the COURT CHAMBER at NIGHTTIME.

THREE = 90 reduced to 9 suggests the sequence of the powers of THREE: 3, 9, 27, 81, 243. The magical formulae of 3 are AL and LA. The first power of three is represented by 9 and the words SAW and WAS, the first indication of the power of putting things into the past tense. The next power, represented by 27, are the powers of the GRAAL and the HOOK. We’ll delve into these in the next article in the Qaballa Tantra Magick series.

The next power is 81, the power of the ALCHEMY of the CHRIST CHALICE, the power of KNOWING KHEPHRA in his HIDING, the ability to WALK TALLER, and the power of the TRUTH TAUGHT LOVE-SONG by means of which one may attain the vision of the RADIANT IMAGE of HOLY INANA. She is the GIVER who ARRANGES PILES of GIFTS for all EQUALLY.

The next correspondence may take traditional Qabalists by surprise. THREE via 81 is THE WORD. Older systems TAUGHT that Two is the Word, the Logos. But in EQ, THE WORD arises in the third sphere of activity. It is YOGA or THE ACT = 91 = CASTING which is attributed to the second sphere. This is one use of the power of the HOOK, one of the powers of 27. THE WORD must be FISHED from the SEA = 31 = NU.

The number 243 weaves all these together under the image of the FIVE POINTED STAR among the BRIGHT MORNING STARS. The five-pointed star refers to pattern Venus describes in Her conjunctions with the Sun. This star is thus the Star of Inana, whose appearance all the people, the bright morning stars, are awaiting in her court chamber at nighttime, remaining silent until She rises as the Morning Star. Three is the Unsung Sphere, the THREE = 90 = NOWHERE where we wait on the threshold, poised in the moment where unsung silence blooms into song.

This brings us back to the more basic analysis of THREE through 90, which value identifies THREE as BENNU, an ancient Egyptian bird deity linked with the Sun, creation, and rebirth. She is the MIME and APOSTLE of the ANNUNA GODS. She wields the WAND OF PAN and SUMMONS from the DEPTHS of ORIGIN the OLD SYMBOLS of the FLAMING SUNSET which gives way to the BLUE & GOLD of the LONE STAR.

THREE doubled, 180, brings PRIESTESSES INITIATING under the SEVEN-RAYED STAR and CRESCENT MOON, DELIBERATELY bringing about CERTAIN CHANGE, birthing BUILDER-BEES in BRIGHT DAYLIGHT. It is also the value of the phrase “ME AND MY DOUBLE.”


The number three requires us to dig deeper, so we look at the halves and thirds of 90. Half is 45, a realm ruled by APOLLO and DIANA, where the MOLY and the DUCK are sacred, where BLACK MORS is SLAIN, where BE NOT is poised in the act of becoming I AM, which is to say, the Egyptian hawk-headed god HORUS.

One third of THREE is 30. We HAIL thee (Horus) as HOOR and KHU, the WANGA of our HANDS and LOOKS, the FLASH and FLOW of WORLD and WILL, the sacred symbols of which are the HOLLY and the LOON.


The Sphere of Three is attributed to the planet Saturn. SPHERE OF THREE = 212 = THE SUN AND THE MOON, which are assigned the numbers 6 and 9 respectively, the first two multiples of three. The number 212 also indicates the incense to be offered in workings of this sphere, JUNIPER RESIN. Juniper branches are frequently offered in the fire in the Tibetan mountain smoke offering intended to distribute material benefits to all beings, called RIWO SANGCHOD = 106, which happens to be half of 212. Thus is REVEALED the PANTACLE of PLENTY.

The name I assign to the Sphere of Three is the UNSUNG SPHERE.

The Reward of Three

The reward of THREE = 90 is 9 or NINE = 76. That reward is DAKINI TANTRA (76+76=152), which is to be PERFORMED with DEEP FAITH in PURE PLACES in order to MAGNETIZE the INTELLECT with EXCELLENT SELF-KNOWLEDGE. See also my forthcoming book, being Book 152, The Rainbow Daimon.

May we quickly attain enlightenment in order to work ceaselessly for the liberation of all sentient beings.

Quivering Qaballa is a series by Skye Love Hill originally published at Patreon.

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