As we move into the Spring Equinox, Mars is beginning its transit of Capricorn, which will last until mid-May. Initially this may be somewhat challenging due to the Sun moving into a square with Mars around noon on Saturday (3/24). Ego conflicts are likely, especially with men. Your competitors, enemies, and even your boss may be testing you, seeing if they can exert more power over you. You may start feeling these energies as early as Tuesday after the Sun moves into Aries. It would be best to ignore these provocations at this time. Take defensive precautions where needed, but cultivate patience through this aspect. Next week will be soon enough to respond if it is still needed, but you may find that any problems have passed by then.
Also setting the tone for this week is a Venus square Pluto on Friday morning. This can bring stress and tension to existing relationships. You may feel insecure, jealous, or possessive and this may tempt you to manipulate the situation or your partner in unhealthy ways. Resist this! Or it may be your partner who is feeling this way, acting in ways that leave you feeling controlled or smothered. If this has been an ongoing problem and you are tired of dealing with it, this aspect is a good time to break things off. If you are single, be cautious with any new love interest who shows up this week. The energies of Pluto can lead to infatuation, obsession, and a potentially abusive relationship. Investigate before getting too serious!
Mercury conjuncts Venus late Monday or early Tuesday, depending on your time zone. This is a good time for any communications related to love. Someone might reveal that they are in love with you! In any case, it’s a good time to tell your loved ones how you feel about them. As the Sun moves into a new astrological cycle on Tuesday, Monday is a good time review the positive things which have happened over the past year and express appreciation to your loved ones who shared these experiences with you. If there is someone you are interested in, but you haven’t expressed that interest, Monday is a great time to ask someone out on a date!
The two big events this week are the Sun’s transit into Aries around noon on Tuesday, marking the Spring Equinox, and Mercury stationing retrograde Thursday evening. These have somewhat contradictory energies: Sun in Aries want to rush forward energetically, but Mercury retrograde suggests the need for caution and review of the recent past before acting! Mercury goes retrograde just short of 17 degrees of Aries. The Sabian symbol for 17 Aries, which we don’t quite reach, is “An Empty Hammock Stretched between Two Trees”. Looks like we won’t get to relax or take that vacation until early May! The symbol for 16 degrees, which is as far as Mercury gets, is “Two Dignified Spinsters Sitting in Silence.” Thursday evening would be an excellent time to meditate, or at least to stay in and stay quiet. Some things are going to have to be put off or delayed, so try to come to terms with this. Review plans and reschedule for mid to late April, after Mercury goes direct just before the New Moon on April 15.