Heading into the Full Moon, Pluto goes retrograde on Sunday, April 22 at 21 Capricorn, and remains retrograde through September 30. During this retrograde, we can expect unconscious power struggles to come to light. In some situations, you may discover that you’ve been being subtly controlled and manipulated. In other situations, you may discover that you have been trying to keep things too tightly under control. In both these situations, it is time to let go. As Pluto retreats, it becomes easier to stop trying to control things, as well as to show those who have been controlling us the door. You don’t have to put up with it anymore, but you don’t get to do it yourself either. Just let go.
We can also expect some serious developments in political affairs. Pluto is connected with hidden things, which are likely to be revealed during this period. Pluto is connected with bombs, missiles, and other explosive situations. The Sabian symbol for 21 Capricorn is “By accepting defeat gracefully, a General reveals nobility of character.” I suspect there are going to be some serious leaks and other revelations about the hidden motivations behind military actions around the world, coming from a top-level figure who heretofore has participated in keeping these things hidden. This is likely to involve things done on or since December 30.
We’ve got a Mars sextile Jupiter operating which will be felt most strongly on Monday, bringing optimism and success. It’s a good time to take some risks as luck is with us. This aspect favors business, love, and sex. Impress someone.
Venus moves into Gemini on Tuesday and will be transiting the sign of the Twins until May 20. During this transit, there can be a lot of talking about love and relationship. It’s a very flirtatious transit. But Venus in Gemini is also very fickle. What’s being said to you is likely also being said to others. People are keeping their options open, and so should you. This is an information gathering period, and a time to let others know what you are thinking. But until Venus moves into Cancer, nothing is likely to be all that solid. Go with the flow, it’s not a time to make any commitments.
On Wednesday, Mercury squares Saturn. This aspect has been messing up our communications ever since Mercury went direct on the 15th. We may learn some hard lessons, hear some things we don’t want to hear. Some tough decisions may need to be made. On the other hand, long withheld information may finally be released. Communications we have given up on may finally be received. A delayed letter may be received. Check your spam folder, you have have missed something important. If there are people you have not been on speaking terms with for a while, you might receive an apology, or perhaps it is you who need to apologize. Today would be a good time to do so.
On Thursday, Mars conjuncts Pluto. This will be a big day for all the Pluto related things mentioned in the first paragraph. Aggression may be a problem. You may want to hurt someone, but don’t! Turn that energy toward breaking though both inner and outer obstacles and energy blockages. Clear your land, clean out your basement, garage or attic. Channel this destructive energy constructively. Stay away from other people if you are in a bad mood, and especially avoid people with whom you have arguments or disagreements.
The weekend with be much more relaxed than the rest of the week has been. The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on Sunday evening. There is also a Sun trine Saturn earlier in the day. This aspect can bring recognition for real accomplishments. Milestones are achieved and recognized. You can look at yourself, your goals and your successes in a realistic light. The whole weekend is good for putting the finishing touches on things, and bringing things to completion. The Sabian symbol for the position of the Moon is “A fellowship supper reunites old comrades.” Attend a dinner party or other gathering, or host one yourself. Everyone is reaping their just rewards this weekend. Celebrate each other’s successes.