As we move into the New Moon, things are slowing down. There are really only four significant astrological events this week, and that includes the New Moon! On Tuesday, Venus squares Saturn in the morning, and the Sun trines Jupiter in the afternoon. Both these aspects will already be affecting us on Monday! On Saturday, we have the New Moon in Pisces in the morning, and a few hours later, Mars enters Capricorn.
Venus square Saturn is a difficult aspect with respect to love and happiness. Relationships have a tendency to cool off during this aspect. Negative feelings may arise due to distance or criticism, which may come from others but self-criticism is also likely. There may be a tendency to feel lonely or depressed. It’s okay to take some time alone, but use this alone time constructively by meditating on your feelings with the intent to discover the root fears which underlie them. And remember, others will also be feeling this aspect and may need your love and support, so put a bit of extra effort into relationships and friendships where it is needed.
Sun trine Jupiter says this cloud has a silver lining. It’s one of the best Solar aspects and gives the self-confidence and enthusiasm to benefit from opportunities for both spiritual and material growth which may arise during this aspect. Keep this in mind while the cloud of the Venus square Saturn is affecting you. This combination indicates that relationship matters are actually quite good and that there are really only minor difficulties that need to be addressed rather than ignored. So don’t blow things out of proportion. Instead, look at things objectively, have whatever discussions are needed and make whatever changes are necessary. Then celebrate! Things are good!
The New Moon is at 8:12am CDT on Saturday (3/17). It occurs at 26º53′ of Pisces. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “The Harvest Moon Illumines a Clear Autumnal Sky”. How is a Full Moon in Autumn related to a New Moon just a few days before Spring starts, one might ask! The Harvest Moon occurred back in September in Pisces, and it was the first Full Moon following the total solar eclipse in August 2018. That eclipse occurred just short of 29 degrees Leo. Mars will be passing 29 Sagittarius, making a trine to the eclipse point, just before the New Moon and moves into Capricorn at 11:41am CDT just after the New Moon. This New Moon is a final completion of the integration of the eclipse affects on our psyches and the beginning of a new cycle of action based on our new understanding of ourselves!
Things are about to go forward in a way we would never have expected before the Solar Eclipse. The New Moon occurs near the end of the zodiac in Pisces, Mars is moving into Capricorn, and next week the Sun moves into Aries. Tying up any loose ends before the New Moon is in order. Let go of anything weighing you down or holding you back. Things are about to move ahead! Mars in Capricorn, where it will join Saturn and Pluto. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and the desire to move forward is strong. But hold on a minute, this is an almost an early April Fool’s joke as Mars is immediately facing Saturn, coming into conjunction with it on April 2nd. This is a conundrum: exalted Mars is an irresistible force, but Saturn is an immovable object. What’s going to happen here?
Read or reread last week’s briefing: we are going to find it hard to move forward until Mars passes Saturn and Mercury goes direct on April 15. From March 17 through April 2, Saturn will show us all the obstacles to accomplishing our plans. This may be frustrating and lead to delays if we try to push ahead prematurely, but if we pay attention to the limitations Saturn is revealing, it could be a great blessing! Then starting April 3, revise your plans to take the limitations and obstacles revealed by Saturn into account. Once Mercury goes direct on the next New Moon (4/15), then it will be possible to move forward without obstruction. Patience is the key here; diligent planning is the correct way to proceed. Going off half-cocked and poorly prepared could have disastrous results at this time. Don’t try it!