As we move into the Spring Equinox, both Mercury and Venus are ahead of the sun, so they precede the Sun into Aries this week. It’s a busy week. Besides Mercury and Venus moving into Aries on Tuesday (3/6), on Thursday (3/8) Jupiter starts its retrograde period and Mercury simultaneously moves into its pre-retrograde shadow period. And while all this is going on, we are experiencing the effects of two longer-term aspects which we have been feeling for some time: Mars trine Uranus, and Sun sextile Pluto, both of which aspects are exact Sunday (3/11) morning, only half an hour apart.
Let’s start with the furthest out, Sun sextile Pluto. This aspect is all about the transformation of the ego or self-image. The effects of dark, hidden, mysterious and even perverse forces can come to light, both in our own unconscious as well as in the world. This aspect can increase our magnetism and influence over others. It can give a compulsion to be noticed and remembered for doing something big, something that can’t be ignored by others, even if that something is negative and results in notoriety. It can also temporarily increase sexual attractiveness to others, but trysts entered into at this time are not likely to develop into good long-term relationships, so try to avoid getting obsessed with repeating the experience! The best thing to do with this energy is to apply it to deep introspection and self-healing.
Simultaneously with this solar aspect, Mars trines Uranus. This is an energetic and exciting aspect which may bring a need for increased independence. We may be tempted to take risks; our instincts may be strong and reliable, so these risks may pay off. In any case, it’s a good time to throw off limitations, restrictions, and transform boring routines. New opportunities for adventures may arise, including new romance. However, like the Sun/Pluto aspect, any new romance is more likely to be short-term than lasting. Those with existing partnerships should resist any temptation to find excitement elsewhere, but rather focus on their partner as this period is a good one for transforming and re-energizing relationships, but the results of wandering might be explosive!
In this context, Jupiter stations retrograde Thursday night at 23 degrees Scorpio. The Sabian symbol for this degree is: “After having heard an inspired individual deliver his ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ crowds are returning home.” This makes perfect sense as the Jupiter retrograde period is typically one of philosophical and spiritual introspection and reflection. In particular, we are likely to be shown ways in which we have allowed our conditioning to unconsciously pollute our personal values and morals. This is an opportunity to discover previously ignored hypocrisy, deceit, anger, violent tendencies and other immoralities which may have negative effects on our physical health. We may be forced to deal with any addictions or other grasping behavior at this time. This retrograde period, which lasts until July 10th, is a good time to engage in any type of detoxification regimen. It’s time to purify anything that interferes with our friendships, morality, health, and honor. Those with their Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Scorpio or Taurus may be more strongly affected than others during this Jupiter retrograde period.
Finally, we can take a look at the movement of Mercury and Venus into Aries. This motion will give us a strong desire to move forward in an impulsive way. There is a great danger of “getting ahead of ourself” by doing things we are not ready for or doing things that we are ready for prematurely. It’s not a time to be serious though, but rather a time to engage others in a youthful, fun, and loving manner. There can be a tendency to speak without thinking as our passions can overwhelm our reason. There will be a great desire to start new projects, but due to Mercury going retrograde on March 22, it would be best to limit oneself to planning these new projects rather than actually starting them. A premature start might result in things not working out as expected and having to go back to the drawing board. Spend March 6th to March 22nd making plans, then spend March 23rd through April 15th reviewing and revising your plans. Mercury goes direct on April 15, which is also the New Moon. That’s when you’ll want to actually start executing your plans. As an added bonus, Venus will move into Taurus during the Mercury retrograde period on March 31st. Once this occurs, you’ll have a better idea where any romance started during March might be headed and be able to integrate this into your plans with less risk of upsets.