Well, I’ve been slightly neglectful at keeping you updated, but frankly we’ve just been through a boring period with few interesting aspects.
However, this fine Tuesday morning Mercury formed a trine with Uranus at 9:05am PST. Some of us may have received some accurate but somewhat surprising information. Our thinking may be clearer than usual, and our own eccentricities may be at the focus of our thinking. Insights will be both insightful and accurate. They should be written down and reviewed periodically, because as we fall back into our normal thought patterns, these ideas will once again seem less important and more peculiar than they really are.
The next aspect coming up is Jupiter trine Saturn at 4pm on Thursday, December 12. This aspect gives the ability to make important decisions with good results. In particular, it is easy to make commitments to paths which will require a lot of work. Whatever we do, we should not focus on our own inadequacies except insofar as we are currently able to make detailed plans to overcome them.
We can now achieve a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be accomplished on the other. Patience and the ability to accept necessary limitations on the way to our goals become easier during this aspect. Older, more experienced guides are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in our lives at this time.
I’ve written about these two aspects together for a reason. The insights we have had or been given are absolutely essential to planning our path. But they are just insights and not fully elaborated plans. We have a one-two punch here where following close on the aspect that opens our minds to these insights, we have the correct external conditions and internal optimism necessary to actually make a practical plan based on these insights which will lead us directly to our goal. And if we are willing to commit ourselves, Saturn will see to it that we stay the course.
So go ahead… there will be work involved, but it will prove enjoyable. We may not get what we want, but we will get what we need. And in the long run, that will be much better for us.
Good luck!