As the Sun goes into Sagittarius at 7:48pm PST, it is time to play it cool. Yesterday’s issues no longer exist. Go with the flow. Positive aspects lunar aspects with Jupiter and Mars can keep tempers at bay. But be careful after 11, best just to go to sleep as early as possible.
When you get up, plan as relaxing a day as possible. Brew up a nice green tea with spearmint to share with someone. Curl up and read a book. It’s not really a good time to do much until 4pm. Until then, lull.
Then, as we move into the waning gibbous moon, take stock of your situation and resources. Take some time thinking about how best to approach your next challenge. Aim for setting out by 5:30 or 6pm. If you’re going to need anything for your project, this may be your last opportunity to get it.
The next couple days are especially fine astro-weather for Leo, as Luna moves into the Sign of the Cat. A defining moment occurs at 10:46am Saturday, a moment of Grace.
Make sure you are where you need to be, snug and safe, by midnight. It’s a turn-into-a-pumpkin kind of night.