This morning retrograde Jupiter trines the Sun. A cautious optimism is in order. Tomorrow morning, Neptune goes direct. That’s the bigger deal. Neptune has been retrograde since June 7. There may be some bigger issues we’ve been unable to make headway on. It’s hard to fulfill dreams when Neptune is retrograde. But right now we can more easily see just how deep the rabbit hole actually goes. Well, we could if it weren’t bottomless.
The Sabian symbol for the degree of Neptune’s stationary point is “Petrified Tree Trunks Lie Broken On Desert Sand”. What can be done with such debris of time left forlorn in such a dry environment? I would weep for you but I have no tears.
There’s only two things which can be reasonably done here. We can enjoy the experience, examine them, run our hands along them, appreciate their texture, love their unique and stony qualities, then move on to moister climes, alone.
Or we can right them, erect columns to support a temple right here in the desert where they once stood, when the world was green.
A temple to Neptune in the Desert of the Real?
As he who was once Muad’dib prophesied, “Those who accept self-deception will perish by that self-deception. And those who pray for dew at the desert’s edge shall bring forth the deluge.”
If I were in St. Louis I would make pilgrimage to the Neptune fountain at the Art Museum, where I would be devastated and weep a river. Gone. Clearly, there is no God.